
...aaaaand, i'm back

Ryan picked me up from the airport Thursday evening around 5. We said our hello's, I got in the car, and we started our short drive to my house. As I looked around at the beautiful New England sunset, at my wonderful husband next to me, and at all the familiar Connecticut license plates on that familiar I-84, I began to cry. "Why are you crying, babes?" he asked me. I told him I didn't want to go back to Utah. Seriously? I JUST got there, and I was already thinking about how I had to leave!

Besides dreading the trip back west the entire weekend, I had a fabulous time with my husband. Thursday night I got to go out to dinner with my family (parents, grandparents, aunt, uncle, and in-laws), and then we headed to Quincy where I got to finally meet my new home. The next day, we ran errands (Ryan was thrilled to do this...cough cough) and he showed me around. The traffic is absolutely crazy, and the roads make no sense to me! Two way streets turn into one way streets without signs letting you know! There are stop lights that point in all different directions! And the people who live in Massachusetts are called Mass-holes for a reason! AHHHHH I am scared to drive there. I told him to anticipate an accident shortly after I move there. I thought it would be nice to give him a heads-up, so maybe he wouldn't be too mad at me when it actually happened.

He took me to Nut Island which is a part of Hough's Neck. It overlooks the Boston skyline and is absolutely beautiful. This will definitely be a place I go often to escape and relax. Here are some pictures from Hough's Neck! Bev and Ricky came over Friday night as I discovered how to use a gas stove. Thanks you guys for being understanding :) And then we introduced them to Arrested Development! And I rediscovered my love for Jason Bateman.

Saturday we went into Boston (literally 10 minute drive from our apartment!) where Ryan got asked to help out a street performer at Faneuil Hall do some escape thing upside down. Then we ate at an AMAZING seafood restaurant and walked down to Long Wharf. The weather was beautiful and it was a perfect day.
And then it was Sunday. The day I had been dreading ever since my plane landed. We drove home to Connecticut and had lunch at my house after I visited Justin at work. Now that he is the only manager of Brookestone, he works so much! I have the best parents in the world because my mom made Thanksgiving dinner! ON HALLOWEEN! Since I wasn't going to be home for Thanksgiving, she took the time to make my favorite stuffing (vegetarian) and cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes (also vegetarian) and sweet potatoes with marshmallows! It was wonderful and I appreciate everything my family does for me and Ryan.

Just 5 weeks until Utah is over and I am finally back with the people I love. But I most of all can't wait to see Ryan.


  1. Hi Katie - One week down already since you returned to Utah. See....time will go quickly!!! Enjoyed your little summary of your visit to your new home!!! <3

  2. My lovely daughter, I will write this between the tears. They are tears of pride, love, and concern. It has just been 3 hours since you called with the news of your involvement in a car accident in Utah. I can only think of your wonderful smile and gleeful bounce that we all treasured just one week ago. The love that you feel for your family and most importantly, your husband, just warms me more than words can describe. Hang on honey, and be strong. It won't be long till we are just a state apart and you'll be cuddled up next to your love and live happily ever after(and then some). I love you so much and am so very proud of your strength and courage.
