
Biggest Fear

During the car ride home from Connecticut today...

Ryan: What's your biggest fear about the future?
Me: (Thinking)... Financially?
Ryan: No, just anything.
Me: (Thinking some more)... Having someone close to me die.
Ryan: Can I be honest?
Me: Ya..
Ryan: That's going to happen.
Me: Ya, it sucks having a biggest fear that's inevitable.


  1. :( this post makes me sad. My biggest fear is probably the same. That and personally hurting someone.

  2. Hahaha no, like knowing I hurt someone's feelings or hurt someone emotionally. I am pretty afraid of dying myself too...

  3. I think it's impossible for you to hurt someone's feelings.. You're so nice! And I'm scares of dying too, like of any physical pain haha I'm a wuss
