
All gone and SO happy!

Our flies are all gone :) Just thought I'd share!

We found out they were living in our garbage disposal, and no matter how much we bleached and cleaned it, they kept coming out! So we kept the disposal covered and eventually they went away!

Here's some pictures I took before that I forgot to upload, since I know you're all just soooo looking forward to seeing pictures of fruit flies haha

Ask.com told me to put out a glass of sweet wine so they would fly into it and drown. It didn't work... don't try it. You can actually see a fly on the paper towels behind the wine haha

I also read online to put out a bowl of soapy water. This DID work!!!
This is disgusting... They were attracted to our pitcher for some reason, so I moved it into the sink. I even ran it through the dishwasher and they liked it after that too! This was only a small portion of the number of fruit flies we had... sign. I'm so glad they're gone!

1 comment:

  1. Wow good to know!! That sounds so annoying - I'm glad they are gone!
