
Happy Daddy's Day!

I know I'm doing two posts in one day, but the two just didn't seem to go together.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!

It's days like today that I wish I was at home with my family, watching my dad open up the gift that I got for him, even though it wasn't very big. I wish that I was there to help him out in the yard, because, even though the weather in Connecticut has been gloomy, I bet he was working in the yard today, and maybe nobody offered to help him, or maybe nobody made him his favorite dessert, or maybe nobody told him they loved him. I wish I was there to do each of these things for him every day. After seeing "my second family" lose their father recently, it makes me try to work extra hard to cherish every day that I have with my dad, even though we are timezones apart. I pray my husband grows to become even half the man my father is. I love you Daddy!

Fabulous fathers to remember today...
Gary Bulkley
Frank Falana
Carl Calabrese
Add any others if you wish :)

Ryan's first cake

Ryan made a cake today ALL by himself .. It's his "Happy Not-Yet Father's Day" cake.

I was sneaky and took a picture of him preparing

Like a pro


He baked it AND decorated it!


Think before you eat

I'm not saying go veggie, but the church says "Eat meat sparingly" for a reason. 18% of the word's greenhosue gas emissions come from cattle. So let's eat all the cows to bring this percentage down! Ummm, no it doesn't work like that. By incraesed meat consumption, that percentage will continue to increase. Supply and demand, people! The more meat we eat, the more cattle they will "create" and slaughter. Cattle are fed corn and soy, which are grown using fossil fuel. It then takes tons of fuel to transport that food TO the cattle. Then, the cows (yes, I'll say it) fart! The methane gas they produce is 23 times WORSE than carbon dioxide! And thennnn more fossil fuel is burned while slaughtering the cows. If we all reduced our meat consumption by 20%, it woud be as though we all switched to hybrid cars. So, want to go green? Don't go out and spend all that money on a hybrid car, just cut down on the meat! Source: Check out this video.

However, if you are in the process of cutting out a good portion of meat out of your diet, start with getting rid of fast food such as Wendy's, McDonald's, Burger King, and small fast food restaurants. In the fast food industry, the treatment of animals is so inhumane it's disgusting. Before you take a big bite of that chicken sandwich or quarter pounder, think of how that meat got from the factory into your hands. If more people thought about where their food comes from, we would be a much healthier country.

Make a difference. You can
fill this out and automatically send a letter to McDonald's to switch to a less cruel way of slaughtering their animals. Now I don't want to be one of those people who preach to everyone "Meat is bad, blah blah blah." To each his own. But I do feel like it couldn't hurt to spread the word about fast food chains and how terrible they are: 1. They are incredibly cruel in killing meat, and 2. They are SO unhealthy!

From the genius movie Supersize Me, here is the intro to it. If you get a chance, rent it, watch it, and actually listen to it.
Come on people, let's get healthy.


*Love* for the fam

I just thought I'd write about how grateful I am for my family. Not just my immediate family, but extended and through marriage. I am so blessed to constantly be reminded of how much love the have for me and my husband, and how much they help us out (financially, emotionally, religiously, all of it). Each and every person who I am related to has touched my life in such a tremendous way; I would be a different person today if even one of those people weren't present.
My parents have always been there. Looking back at how I acted in middle school and high school, I am in awe of how well they handled me, and I dread having a teenager of my own! I don't know what I ever did to deserve the love they show towards me. My mother is so patient, and even when she isn't, she is still more patient than I'd be. She always puts others first, and that is a trait that I am working on developing. If I turn out to be even half the woman my mother is, I will be happy. My father is the sweetest man out there. It is because of him that my heart goes out to working men everywhere. I see how hard my father works to keep our family running, clean, and full of love. I'm truly a "daddy's girl". My parents are the hardest working people I know, and they do so with 110% of their heart in their work. I love both of my parents so much I didn't even know it was possible to love that much. I don't even know where to start with my brother. Oh, Justin. He is a piece of work! Looking past the attitude and the live-in-the-moment behavior, he is a spitting image of my mother in the way that she puts others before herself. He would drop everything to help someone in need; I know, he's done it for me. If I ever need anything, he does it for me, no questions asked. I don't remember when I've ever treated him so kind to deserve this kind of respect and love in return. Justin is the love of my life.My in-laws are amazing people. Tamara will always say something to make you smile. Her heart is so big that you can feel the love she has just by being in her presence. Charitable, giving, understanding, and peaceful are some of the many words to describe this beautiful woman. Once you meet her, trust me, you'll never forget her! Oh, how my heart is warmed when I hear Neil say "Miss Katelyn"! Neil is THE perfect gentleman, husband, person, ...must I go on? He knows just what to say, all the time, and that is a terrific gift to have. Bailey is the most beautiful girl that I know, and I've told her and several of my friends this before because I mean it and I always will. She is so full of light and life that it's unbelievable. When I know that I'm going to get to see her, whether it's over Christmas break or at LaBeau's or just for a short visit, I get so excited to see my sister-in-law. From the very beginning this angel has touched my heart and changed my life. I've never met Britney in person, but she has been in my presence; I feel her more and more in my life as my love for her, her brother, and her family grow.

My grandparents have played a large role in my life. From babysitting me growing up all the way to the huge hugs they give when I come home, every single memory I have of growing up is thanks to them. Riding on papa's tractor with Justin, sneaking up into the garden to eat raspberries and string beans (mmmm so good!), and the summer dinner we'd have out on the patio with the best iced tea in the world, Grandma and Papa Collins are truly sent from heaven. I love them both more than they could ever know. And my Grandma Calabrese. She is a 24 year old in a 70 year old's body! It kills me to think of a time when she won't be around at Christmas Eve parties to grace all of us with her lively presence, or to talk to for hours on the phone about absolutely nothing. She is the constant voice in my head that makes me think before speaking or acting, and thank goodness for that!

And finally, my wonderful husband. I know that if I had moved away from home with anyone else, that person wouldn't have been enough to make me be able to call any other place "home". But Ryan is enough. He is more than enough to make Utah a home for me. I love him so much, and I wish I could tell him that every second of the day.
I love you all -Kate <3


Be Healthy

10 simple things you can do to change our food system:

1. Stop drinking sodas and other sweetened beverages. You can lose 25 lbs. in a year by replacing one 20 oz. soda a day with a no calorie beverage (preferably water).
2. Eat at home instead of eating out. Children consume almost twice (1.8 times) as many calories when eating food prepared outside the home.
3. Support the passage of laws requiring chain restaurants to post calorie information on menus and menu boards. Half of the leading chain restaurants provide no nutritional information to their customers.
4. Tell schools to stop selling sodas, junk food, and sports drinks. Over the last two decades, rates of obesity have tripled in children and adolescents ages 6 to 19 years.
5. Meatless Mondays--Go without meat one day a week. An estimated 70% of all antibiotics used in the United States are given to farm animals.
6. Buy organic and sustainable food with little or no pesticides. According to the EPA, over one billion pounds of pesticides are used each year in the U.S.
7. Protect family farms; visit your local farmer's market. Farmer's markets allow farmers to keep 80 to 90 cents of each dollar spend by the consumer.
8. Make a point to know where your food comes from--READ LABELS. The average meal travels 1500 miles from the farm to your dinner plate.
9. Tell Congress that food safety is important to you. Each year, contaminated food causes millions of illnesses and thousands of deaths in the U.S.
10. Demand job protections for farm workers and food processors, ensuring fair wages and other protections. Poverty among farm workers is more than twice that of all wage and salary employees.

Source: Food Inc. Movie

The new movie Food Inc. is out, but the closest to Utah it's showing is California! Check out the trailor:
Apparently this movie is supposed to be amazing and life-changing. America does need a change when it comes to food. There is so much crap out there, and we eat it because, honestly, we're all fatties! We just need self control and the truth about our food. The self control needs to come from us, but the truth about our food is in movies such as Supersize Me and Food Inc. Check out the HungryForChange Blog.


Mmmmm chocolate..

Ryan and I have gotten in the habit of baking on Sundays. This past Sunday we made a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. I asked Ryan, "Do you want chocolate or vanilla cake?" And he said, "Chocolate." [..pause..] "..and never ask me that again."

If your mouth isn't watering just from looking at these pictures, check your pulse.

Ryan says he wants to make something next, because I did most of the work on this one and so he wants to do one by himself. I'll keep ya posted on his creation!

Just an update, my whiplash is all better... but it really sucked!


A new summer read

Summer is coming up (actually it's here, sort of. not officially. anyways..) and I realized that I can't be sitting on my butt for the next few months without picking up a book. It's hard for me to really get into a book unless it's something I can relate to. Recently, this has been books on food, health, and the Earth. Searching on Amazon, I came across this book...

The picture portraying Jesus looked very LDS-like, so I googled the author and found that he is actually LDS! The book is full of quotes from church leaders regarding kindness to animals and loving our planet. Here are some quotes from the book that I found on the author's website:

Man’s dominion is a call to service, not a license to exterminate.
*Hugh Nibley

Nature helps us to see and understand God. . . . Love of nature is akin to the love of God; the two are inseparable.
*Joseph F. Smith

Can any man who has walked beneath the stars at night, can anyone who has seen the touch of spring upon the land doubt the hand of divinity in creation? . . . All of [the] beauty in the earth bears the fingerprint of the Master Creator.
*Gordon B. Hinckley

I love to view the things around me; to gaze upon the sun, moon, and stars; to study the planetary systems, and the world we inhabit . . . I could not help but believe there was a God, if there was no such thing as religion in the world.
*John Taylor

Kindness to animals and to all living things is one good way of expressing true religion.
*Joseph F. Smith

A true Latter-day Saint is kind to animals, is kind to every created thing, for God has created all.
*David O. McKay

If we maltreat our animals, or each other, the spirit within us, our traditions, and the Bible, all agree in declaring it is wrong.
*Brigham Young

Cruelty to animals is always the sign of a weak and little mind, whereas we invariably find really great men distinguished by their humanity.
*George Q. Cannon

What is even more serious than the wrongs inflicted upon dumb animals is the habit of wrong doing, for doing wrong to animals is but a stepping stone to the doing of wrong to our fellowmen.
*Joseph F. Smith
I think this is the book I've been waiting for! I haven't read it yet, but I'll let you know how it is when I do. I'm grateful that finally someone in the church has compiled quotes and teachings about how animals are not here solely for human consumption, and the Earth is not something to destroy or harm.


Ryan cooked for me!

Well, sort of :)

For dinner I made apricot-glazed chicken (vegetarian, of course!) with corn and biscuits. Ryan made the biscuits! It was the 77 cent kind from the baking aisle where you just add water, but they were the best instant biscuits I've ever had! He was such a good helper :)

...and after!

To get the chicken recipe, check out my recipe blog! It's delish!!!


"Don't call it an accident. It was an incident." -Ryan

The sun was shining, the air smelled of the cut grass and hot asphalt, and for the first time that week, she was going to make it to work on time. She always took the highway to get to work, even though it was only one exit up from her own. Turning left onto the on-ramp, she pushed "1" on her radio and "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem" rang out from the car speakers. Today was going to be a good day.
Naturally, she used the on-ramp to pick up speed, since the on-ramp merged with the highway immediately. 55, 56, 57, she rounded a corner and her exit was in sight: "University Parkway, Exit 274". Something up ahead caught her eye. Brake lights? BRAKE LIGHTS?! They were so sudden, there was no time to think. Her right foot flew from the gas pedal to the brake and put as much force down as it could. The car ahead was getting closer and closer as her car was losing control. It swerved left, right, left, then right again, making its last swerve a forceful 180 degree turn as the tail-end of the car spun around. Suddenly, she was facing oncoming traffic, but only for a millisecond. The car continued off the side of the highway, down onto the steep grass and gravel hill, pressing her up against the car door as it spun around. The right two wheels of the 99 Civic lost contact with the dry earth below. The car went up on its remaining two wheels, and it seemed as though it sat there forever, teeter-tottering, deciding whether or not it would flip over and roll down the rest of the hill. It was on two wheels for only the length of time it takes to blink, but it seemed like eternity. While on two wheels, the car whipped out the weekly newspaper, brewed a cup of coffee and sat down to do that week's crossword puzzle. Then, twice as fast as the wheels went up, they threw themselves at the ground, and all was still. The car was stopped in a pile of dirt and weeds on a 45 degree hill facing the opposite direction it started out in. Was she still alive? What just happened? She couldn't hear herself think over Kenny Chesney still on the radio.
Shaking, she fumbled to turn the car off, but the key wouldn't turn. Amongst the dust pouring in through the open windows, she unlocked the car door and fell out, landing on her hands and knees. Looking up the hill towards the edge of the highway she saw two women running towards her from opposite directions. One came right down to the car and, with outstretched arms, caught her as she lost all function in her legs. Every ounce of her body was shaking, and the deep pit in her stomach fueled the uncontrollable tears that poured from her terrified eyes.

If James Patterson could put the most terrifying four seconds of my life into a very short novel, there you'd have it. Blog readers, that was my morning.

It could have been so much worse. So easily. I could have spun to the left instead of to the right and ended up being hit head-on by a car going 80, because in complete honesty, I in no way turned the wheel to spin off to the right; all I did was brake. I could have hit the cement barrier which I just missed; If I had braked a second earlier, the police said it could have been fatal to hit the barrier at the speed that I spun at. And I could have rolled down the hill. While the car was up on two wheels, I remember feeling like I was in a movie as my purse, CD's, sunglasses, everything was falling from the right side of the car to the left, and I was forced against the door. The officer said that if I was in a car that was higher off the ground than my car, like an SUV, I would have flipped easily and rolled down the hill multiple times.

I'm not dramatizing anything about it; trust me, I wish I was. This morning I was lucky. No, wait. I wasn't lucky: I was blessed. I wasn't issued any kind of ticket or warning because no damage was done to any other car. The officer didn't say anything to me lecture-wise other than "Things like this happen." The car's only damage was the wheels, which by the way are much more expensive than Ryan and I ever imagined! The only thing is that I have whiplash.. ouch!

On a side note: I think I want to learn how to spin pizza dough in the air like the professionals do. It seems like a cool talent to develop!


Will Ferrell on "Man vs. Wild" ..LOVE IT!

Ry and I watched this tonight and OH MY GOSH it was so funny! I am in love with Bear! haha and in it Will Ferrell made fun of Bear Gryll's accent :) how he says vitamins and glaciers ahhhh best hour of my whole WEEK! check this out...