
*Love* for the fam

I just thought I'd write about how grateful I am for my family. Not just my immediate family, but extended and through marriage. I am so blessed to constantly be reminded of how much love the have for me and my husband, and how much they help us out (financially, emotionally, religiously, all of it). Each and every person who I am related to has touched my life in such a tremendous way; I would be a different person today if even one of those people weren't present.
My parents have always been there. Looking back at how I acted in middle school and high school, I am in awe of how well they handled me, and I dread having a teenager of my own! I don't know what I ever did to deserve the love they show towards me. My mother is so patient, and even when she isn't, she is still more patient than I'd be. She always puts others first, and that is a trait that I am working on developing. If I turn out to be even half the woman my mother is, I will be happy. My father is the sweetest man out there. It is because of him that my heart goes out to working men everywhere. I see how hard my father works to keep our family running, clean, and full of love. I'm truly a "daddy's girl". My parents are the hardest working people I know, and they do so with 110% of their heart in their work. I love both of my parents so much I didn't even know it was possible to love that much. I don't even know where to start with my brother. Oh, Justin. He is a piece of work! Looking past the attitude and the live-in-the-moment behavior, he is a spitting image of my mother in the way that she puts others before herself. He would drop everything to help someone in need; I know, he's done it for me. If I ever need anything, he does it for me, no questions asked. I don't remember when I've ever treated him so kind to deserve this kind of respect and love in return. Justin is the love of my life.My in-laws are amazing people. Tamara will always say something to make you smile. Her heart is so big that you can feel the love she has just by being in her presence. Charitable, giving, understanding, and peaceful are some of the many words to describe this beautiful woman. Once you meet her, trust me, you'll never forget her! Oh, how my heart is warmed when I hear Neil say "Miss Katelyn"! Neil is THE perfect gentleman, husband, person, ...must I go on? He knows just what to say, all the time, and that is a terrific gift to have. Bailey is the most beautiful girl that I know, and I've told her and several of my friends this before because I mean it and I always will. She is so full of light and life that it's unbelievable. When I know that I'm going to get to see her, whether it's over Christmas break or at LaBeau's or just for a short visit, I get so excited to see my sister-in-law. From the very beginning this angel has touched my heart and changed my life. I've never met Britney in person, but she has been in my presence; I feel her more and more in my life as my love for her, her brother, and her family grow.

My grandparents have played a large role in my life. From babysitting me growing up all the way to the huge hugs they give when I come home, every single memory I have of growing up is thanks to them. Riding on papa's tractor with Justin, sneaking up into the garden to eat raspberries and string beans (mmmm so good!), and the summer dinner we'd have out on the patio with the best iced tea in the world, Grandma and Papa Collins are truly sent from heaven. I love them both more than they could ever know. And my Grandma Calabrese. She is a 24 year old in a 70 year old's body! It kills me to think of a time when she won't be around at Christmas Eve parties to grace all of us with her lively presence, or to talk to for hours on the phone about absolutely nothing. She is the constant voice in my head that makes me think before speaking or acting, and thank goodness for that!

And finally, my wonderful husband. I know that if I had moved away from home with anyone else, that person wouldn't have been enough to make me be able to call any other place "home". But Ryan is enough. He is more than enough to make Utah a home for me. I love him so much, and I wish I could tell him that every second of the day.
I love you all -Kate <3


  1. Golly what a gift I awoke to this morning. I/We needed this so much. We all need to be lifted up, and this lifted my spirits to the highest today.
    I am humbled and grateful for your kind words. Especially, knowing that you can call home where ever Ryan is. That makes my heart feel peaceful.
    Thank you for this peaceful gift today!
    We Love you both so very much, T

  2. Hey Katie - You are amazing! You could write a book. You have a true gift when it comes to putting your emotions down on paper/the computer. This brought a tear to my eye. Very touching. You are a SWEETIE!!!!!!!! Love you, Aunt Carla <3

  3. Wow!! where did that come from? What beautiful comments you made about your family. We are a tight bunch, aren't we? We are so blessed to have eachother. Katie, from the very first day of your life in the hospital, I had wanted a daughter because I knew that you would be a bestfriend for life. You truly are and I am so grateful for that. Yes, there where some hurtful times but I had faith and patience. We pulled through them and will always be there for eachother. Maybe it was angry beef that you were eating in high school! I'm so proud of you for the person that you have become.
    You have chosen a gem to walk through life with and I'm excited to be able to watch it blossom and grow. You both have an eternity of joy ahead of you. Love you both-Mom
