
the best

I have the best husband in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! Last Friday, I had a bad day and spent every minute of it texting Ryan, venting and complaining to him about this and that. I came home to see that Ryan had stopped at Babycakes, the BEST cupcake bakery ever, and got cupcakes to make me feel better! That definitely turned my day around :)

And how can anyone not be happy when they get to see this in the morning?

I was trying to change the sheets Sunday morning, and Ryan refused to give the bed up! He even conquered my cloud pillow I can't sleep without that he secretly wishes he had.

Isn't he just the sweetest? :)


  1. K I commented on this post but when I look later it was no longer there... hm.... are you trying to delete my comments Miss Katelyn? So sweet of Parks :) - I miss you guys so much and want to come see you!!!

  2. i promise i didn't delete anything i swear! cross my heart :) the only time i delete comments are if they are my mom or mother-in-law saying something embarassing haha but i'm so glad you re-posted! we miss you too! hope all is well with the new house!
