
Lazy day today

Today (Memorial Day) I did absolutely nothing. Well, I did, kind of. I cleaned, grocery shopped, made an AMAZING dinner, and watched Jon and Kate Plus 8 (I'll get there in a minute!). You NEED to check out this recipe I found in my Skinny B*tch cookbook :) It's vegetarian meatloaf, which is somewhat of an oxymoron. You can find this recipe on my recipe blog: Check it out! Ryan LOVED it and so did I! And.. a major plus... it's way healthy! Not a single non-healthy thing in it! I served it with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Mmmmmm!

My parents went to the beach today. They sent me a few videos from their cell. I compiled them so I could share them with you!

So. Jon and Kate Plus 8. If you don't watch it, start! If you do, WHAT THE CRAP IS GOING TO HAPPEN?! I honestly want them to just stop the show and work things out. Check out my poll I have on my sidebar and let me know what YOU predict will happen!

Tonight's season premier was not at all how I thought it'd be. They 're usually sitting next to each other on their couch while being interviewed. BUT tonight they didn't sit next to each other EVER! Well, for a second at the end when they gave each other sad looks. Man, it sounds so rough. Those poor kids. Poor Jon and Kate. The media is seriously screwing up their lives! I don't blame Jon or Kate, but I completely blame the media for what's happened to their marriage. I was at the grocery store today standing in line and I looked at the magazines and saw US Weekly that had Kate on the cover that read "Mom to Monster". THAT'S TERRIBLE! Ughhhh the media. I hate the media. With a passion. *cringe*

Sorry about my "rant" for those who complained about it. Oh, and Skinny B*tch is the name of the book; when I talk about it, I'm not mad or sad or anything. Just... talking about a book. We all do it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kate!
    I was so unhappy about Jon and Kate. I voted YES! They just have to work this out together without cameras. I just know they can pull it together, even if it means they cancel the show to save their precious marriage with 8 beautiful children! It's all about those precious souls!
    I'm going to keep watching now, I'm hooked!
    Love ya so much, Tamara
    I just wanted you to know I send all my friends (ward) to your site to see what you and Ryan are up to. Blogging becomes an open book. Sometimes we need to be careful WHO might be looking, yikes!!!!! If you get my drift!
    Love ya!!!!! SO very MUCH!!!!
