So, my mom started a blog! She's all new at this whole thing, but check it out: My mom's blog! I'm pretty proud of her, seeing as 1. our computer is extremely messed up at home and 2. she is not very good with computers (sorry mom, but it's true!)
Love you "Mommy"!
Excuse me dear. I think that I can maneuver my way around our computer just fine- thank you. ( even though I did have to check on the spelling of maneuver). Besides, the real reason why I agreed to the blog thing is so that I can see if you have borrowed any of my clother/jewelry. OK, I admit that it was only wishfull thinking that I could actually fit into anything that you were wearing, but I do believe that there is a skirt that was purchased with the understanding that it was to be SHARED. Too bad that I can't see your shoes in the pictures. Love ya anyways!-Mom